Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Semi-Post Apocalyptic Home

One step forward, two back. Two steps forward, one back. Progress is slow on the home front. I was told I would be able to live in my house by the 23rd of June. As a result, I did not renew the lease on the townhouse my family and I were housed.
The faithful day arrived. A beautiful day for a move. I spent the day packing out all our clothes, food and gadgets we owned. I cleaned the carpets and made sure we left the townhouse better than we found it when took up residence. I loaded the dogs and we set off to our new/old home.
On arrival, we were advised by the carpenters that the sink was clogged and we couldn't use the kitchen sink or our brand new dishwasher. It apparently was not their job to fix drains. We were also advised that the electricians had not reconnected the power to the rest of our home.
My wife quickly called the head contractor. He said that the electricians would be there in a couple of hours to restore power to the rest of the house. At least we had power to the air conditioner.
Three hours later, the electricians arrived. They informed us that they could not in good conscious reconnect our house because the wiring was not up to code. Being men of apparent very good conscious, not only did they not reconnect the rest of the house, they de-energized the only part that had power.
With no sleep, I headed to work my midnight shift and my family went to a motel. Next day, we regroup over breakfast. I called our insurance company to arrange for temporary housing for three days (that's how long the electricians with very good conscious said it would take). The department that handled housing said they would contact our adjuster and see if he would approve three nights in a motel.
Two hours later, no word from the insurance company. I've had one hours sleep. Time to check out (we don't have the funds to stay longer on our own).
New plan. The kids go to their grandparents for a couple weeks, the dogs go to a friends house for a couple days and we (my wife and I) return to the disaster that is our home. At least the head contractor restored power to the kitchen and AC.
If I want power I run an extension cord from the kitchen. If I want water, I go upstairs to the bathroom. Don't go barefoot! There are carpet staples all over the bare wood floor (OUCH!).
The Universe is kicking us in the groin, but we just keep smiling and calmly say "Thank you sir! May I have another?" We refuse to give in to this bully.
Friday is supposed to be a big day. Kitchen furniture is being delivered, electricity is supposed to be fully restored and the carpet layers are coming. If all that happens I'll kiss my own ass!
This is Goader reporting from the trenches.
Remember, "Keep smiling! It really pisses the Universe off."

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