Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chaos County EMS

I am have a great week. Push back at the Universe. Now the Universe is trying a new tactic.
Introduce the Cluster Fuck Bomb. Since I am defending against head on attacks, the Universe in it's frustration is attacking my job. The CFB has caused the EMS system to be overloaded with transports. We have called in reserve troops but we still are struggling.
We have sent squads to Chicago, Lexington, Bluefield, Columbus, Cleveland and now Duke. All this in addition to the usual take home and lest we forget, the 911 calls (our primary concern). Yet despite all the crews shake ups, emergency sick leaves and assorted mechanical anomalies, we are still holding our own.

As my temporary partner and I head toward Paintsville, Ky, I only have one thing to say. BRING IT BITCH!!

This is Goader reporting from the battle zone. Always remember:
Smile! It really pisses the Universe off!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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