Friday, May 22, 2009

Take Two

My reporting on this version of my reality got an unexpected and most unpleasant interruption. I developed a bad intestinal virus that required prescription medications, IV fluids and bed rest.
Last Friday while at work I had what I thought was just a normal diarrhea assault. I have battled many such events in my life without problem. But this one was insidious and had to be an assault by my sworn enemy. I made it about sixteen hours, plus a box of Immodium but the problem became worse. The battle came to fruition while I was on an emergency call and I developed my own emergency situation. Though the patient was stable, verging on bogus, I still expedited the transport in an attempt to salvage my pride (and the driver's seat). I arrived in time to salvage my pride/driver's seat, but my new boxer-briefs had to be sacrificed. A doctor had pity on me and wrote a script to slow the problem and my partner started an IV. I spent the next four days in bed or on the toilet. I also had to take an online exam from the toilet.
I may have been a little harsh in my opinion of my predecessor. The Universe is strong (and aggressive) in this reality. I will have to get my offense going before this war gets out of my control.
Goader reporting
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