Friday, May 22, 2009

Take Two

My reporting on this version of my reality got an unexpected and most unpleasant interruption. I developed a bad intestinal virus that required prescription medications, IV fluids and bed rest.
Last Friday while at work I had what I thought was just a normal diarrhea assault. I have battled many such events in my life without problem. But this one was insidious and had to be an assault by my sworn enemy. I made it about sixteen hours, plus a box of Immodium but the problem became worse. The battle came to fruition while I was on an emergency call and I developed my own emergency situation. Though the patient was stable, verging on bogus, I still expedited the transport in an attempt to salvage my pride (and the driver's seat). I arrived in time to salvage my pride/driver's seat, but my new boxer-briefs had to be sacrificed. A doctor had pity on me and wrote a script to slow the problem and my partner started an IV. I spent the next four days in bed or on the toilet. I also had to take an online exam from the toilet.
I may have been a little harsh in my opinion of my predecessor. The Universe is strong (and aggressive) in this reality. I will have to get my offense going before this war gets out of my control.
Goader reporting
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Thursday, May 14, 2009


Ok. I am settled into this reality. My predecessor had a truce with the Universe and quit blogging. A serious breach of Shift Protocol Number 8.11d. Without some kind of record of happenings, a shifter has difficulty blending in to the new reality. Luckily, I have two dogs that kinda helped fill me in on the past couple months. Thank karma that animals coexist in multiple realities at once.
Apparently, I was keeping my head down trying to live a quiet life. Then one day I was cooking meat (and not sharing with house guardians) when the food preparation area caught fire. Large red trucks showed up and stopped the fire but we were forced to sleep in a beauty shop. During the night of the fire the dogs were told that someone kicked the door in and took everything (they blame themselves). We are now housed in a small condo and must remain quiet or get fined. I asked about the new van. Oh yeah, they mention it was getting the brakes fixed when the garage burnt down taking the car and all our remaining photos with it.
Now that we are caught up, it's time for regular proper reports and to re ignite the battle with the Universe. I will import my old reports as soon as I figure out how.
Until next time, this Todd Neal designated Goader in accordance with Earth 3Delta/¤77Firo Multidimensional Entity Identification.
Smile! It really pisses the Universe off!
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